Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflexions on the political and socio economic Lebanese news.
Lebanese current events.

Lebanese events 2011 :

People want to dissolve parliament, to withdraw the Syrian arms, and to bring down the feudal.


We recommend to the Lebanese youth to prepare themselves by rallying now and every day, in the center of every city in every evening from six o'clock until seven o'clock and chanting 'people want to dissolve parliament'. We have to paralyze the country as soon as possible and we do stand until access to all of our goals.


20 December, 2011. The aim is to overthrow the Syrian regime of dictator and to establish democracy. There is no solution without forces.




24 October 2011. Nabih BERRI, a feudal and corrupt dictator, like other mafia’s leaders.


On September 10, 2011. Have Hezbollah Arms succeeded, “to domesticate” Maronite Patriarch Bishara RAII ?



On July 29, 2011. Finally, the Free Syrian Army is born.


On July 22, 2011. Removal of the " LASSA village conflict " from the politicians medias does not resolve any between the multiple comparable problems, which existed for several decades, due to the presence of armed militias and the lack of the State Authority and its laws.


On July 5, 2011. Pro Syrian ministers in the government are promising reform, but they are terrorists, opportunists, hegemonics and traitors. Ministerial Statement of the new Government of Prime Minister Najib MIKATI.


On 30 June 2011. They threaten to provoke a civil war if we want to try the criminals. It is the wolves law in Lebanon.



On 19 May 2011. We thank Barak OBAMA, USA President. Here is his speech.


On 17 May 2011. The time of last examination of President Michel SULEIMAN behavior and his Lebanese army has arrived. Are they to defend freedom of Lebanese and Syrian peoples, or are they submitted to the tyranny of the Syrian terrorist regime?


On Friday, 08.04.2011, demonstrations invade Syria cities,  the day of 'resistance and solidarity'.
Dozens killed by the regime military  in different cities.


March 19, 2011. The weak nations need international police forces. We thank the United States, Britain, France and Italy for their actions to protect human rights in Libya. And we welcome all Free Democrats of the Syrian people.


On March 13, 2011. We do not give a blank check for Group 14 March politicians. We have to follow their actions.


 Our claims to the gathering on 13 March, in Martyrs' Square:


1 - We demand the surrender of illegal weapons of all militias to Lebanese army.

2 - The ban of carrying weapons except for the protection of individuals by licensing permissions.

3 - Cleaning of State Institutions out of all agents who are in favor of Syrian dictator.

4 - The dissolution of Parliament and healthy elections implementation.

5 - The creation of an electoral law for elections by the majority, at the district level, by two election rounds selection.

6 - The reform of an independent, democratic, neutral, strong, peaceful and transparent State, respecting the rights of all peoples.

7 - The support of an independent Lebanese judiciary and international courts.

8 - The fight against corruption, feudalism and terrorism.

9 - The achievement of real parity between the number of Christians and Muslims employees in all public functions in a secular State.

10 - The separation between the State and the laws on one side, and religions on the other side.

11 - The ban on all religious parties.

12 - and the cooperation of the Lebanese State with democratic Nations and the United Nations Organization in order to protect Lebanon.

To get rid of the mafias into Lebanon Power, we must first dissolve the parliament.


On 1 March 2011. Is it became clear in Lebanese mind that the withdrawal of weapons from the Syrian terrorists in Lebanon must to be done ?

On January 13, 2011.Lebanese Government has resigned. The Syrian mafias’ blackmails are ‎stopped. We demand an Effective Democratic Government respecting the Majority Decisions. ‎

On December 9, 2010. Why does the President of the Republic  not research, by force if necessary, quickly and efficiently all the criminal killers involved in political assassinations in Lebanon?
On the fifth anniversary of the assassination of Gebran TUEINI, on 12.12.2005.

On November 22, 2010. The rot of feudal politicians and armed Mafiosi in Lebanon who are waiting interference from Syrian and Saudi dictators and Lebanese mercenary terrorists, as pretending to find political solutions in Lebanon.

September 12, 2010. Syrian collaborator Walid Jumblatt threats and blackmails the International Tribunal for the benefit of terrorists and feudalism.

14 June 2010. Not a single agreement with the Syrian regime, as long as the Lebanese prisoners issue in Syria is not resolved.
June 9, 2010. From his 90 years, the Patriarch is unwavering, like a Millennium cedar
28 May 2010. We have no trust, no security, no development, and no peace as long as the ‎democratic and independent State can’t control and disarm all armed militias, in Lebanon.
April 28, 2010. Submission of the Lebanese Army Command, as well as 14 March Politicians and Government Authority of the State to the extremism of the Syrian regime and Hezbollah.
April 27, 2010. The Lebanese detainees in Syria are forgotten by the government and the political class.
19 February, 2010. The election by the proportional rule is not democracy. It gives Mafiosi leaders the power to share authority and money of the Lebanese State.
We are in the political Opposition against 14 March Group which is accepting blackmails and 8 March Group which is submitting the country to Syrian interference.
15 January 2010. Nabih BERRI continues its blackmail against the parliamentary majority by calling for the abolition of the religious balance in the Lebanese State under the threat of Hezbollah weapons, 'party of god'.



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Name of the Organization on the French-speaking pages:
Association pour la Démocratie Forte Transparente au Liban (ADFTL)

Name of the Organization on the Arabic-speaking pages:
 التجمع الديمقراطي القوي الشفاف في لبنان

Name of the Organization on the English-speaking pages:
Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

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