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Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflexions on the political and socio economic Lebanese news.
Lebanese current events.

MilitantForm: To be a member of the LSTDO, Form to be completed and signed, updated 09/11/2015

MilitantForm: To be a member of the LSTDO, Form to be completed and signed, updated 09/11/2015

I, Ms, Mrs, Mr (first name NAME):

Request my registration as a member of the LSTDO (Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization)   in order to contribute to the promotion of healthy and transparent democracy and restore a just peace in Lebanon.

I- I have read and am convinced of the following progressive ideas:

1- Lebanon must remain independent and we do not accept any tutelage or interference unless the UN decisions for the respect of human rights.

2- The Lebanese Constitution must guarantee a transparent democratic political system that respects all human rights under the UN Charter.

3- The political authorities of the State, president, government, parliament and senate have authority by mandates with non-extendable term, by the will of the people through free elections without corruption and without threats. The government must be supported by a majority vote in parliament on the basis of a reform programs and planned actions. The debates for government programs must be public in the hall of the parliament. Several programs can be in competition. The choice is made by selection by the votes in three rounds, the final round of votes is to choose between the two leading programs. Members who do not come to the hall of parliament lose their electoral mandate. The winner is the one who gets 50% + 1 of voters. Blank votes will not be counted in the competition.

4- Trust between the Lebanese of all religions and both Muslim and Christian cultures requires major absolute parity between Christians and Muslims in all state bodies, politicians, civil servants and the military.

5- The state laws are secular, chosen by the votes in parliament and without any interference of religious leaders. The state laws are dominant if there is contradiction with religious rules.

6- The protection of freedoms of minorities requires the creation of a Senate representing all religions present in Lebanon. Senators are elected by the citizens of their religions and are not religious clergy. They are half Christians and half Muslims. They shall act after the parliament choosing on any law if it threatens the rights of a minority. The rejection of a law by the Senate entails the obligation to change it by the parliament.

7- The deputies are elected in small districts by all citizens through selective votes in three rounds, the winner is the one who remains in the lead in the final round of selection.

8- Senators are elected in small districts by the citizens of their religions, for selective votes in three rounds, the winner is the one who remains in the lead in the final round of selection.

9- Each office of Deputy or Senator has a non-renewable term of four years. The outgoing deputy  must wait four years before having the right to candidate to the same electoral mandate.

10- The thought of LSTDO directive is: <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of any human being among all peoples>. This is the guiding principle of all action.

11- We struggle to reduce social and economic inequalities by promoting employment, fair income, protection of the poor and lower middle classes, and the economic and psychological improvement of all citizens in Lebanon.

12- The members of the LSTDO are half of Christian origin and the other half of Muslim origin but all are for secularism of the state and advocate denying religious, feudal, financial, military, terrorists pressures, and all forms of corruption.

II- I confirm:

1- Do not be a religious cleric.
2- Do not be a member of a party or association working in opposition against the ideas of LSTDO.
3- Being of Lebanese nationality, adult and with all my intellectual capabilities.
4- Being Democrat and respectful of the choice of majority in the selection of programs and persons responsible in the LSTDO.
III- My identity:

1-Name:                                                                          2-First Name:
3-Born (e) the                                                                4-Religion of origin:
6- Current Postal Address:

7- Current Phones:
8- Email address:
9- Website address:
10- Professions:

11-Professional or social experiences:

12-Fields you want to participate militant actions:

13-Districts in which you are interested in activism (in Lebanon and abroad):

(Please make a file of the completed form and send it to the management of the LSTDO by email):

Note: Broader ideas about issues of the Lebanese people are commented on the website of the LSTDO:

We want to form a team capable of building a secular parliamentary group influence.


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LSTDO : <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of every human being among all peoples > .


To make a letter to contact the direction, only if you wish to be Militant or identifiable or anonymous Supporter.
You can choose the Arabic-speaking or the French-speaking pages while clicking on the adequate flag.

The unique Web address of the English  reception page of the Organization Site is:
Contact of the Management of The Organization :

Name of the Organization on the French-speaking pages:
Association pour la Démocratie Forte Transparente au Liban (ADFTL)

Name of the Organization on the Arabic-speaking pages:
 التجمع الديمقراطي القوي الشفاف في لبنان

Name of the Organization on the English-speaking pages:
Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

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