Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflexions on the political and socio economic Lebanese news.
Lebanese current events.

August 31th, 2014. Lebanese news' Comments from 1st until 31 August, 2014.


Saturday, August 02, 2014. Killing against killing, massacres against massacres, hatred against hatred, revenge against revenge, the Jews and the Palestinians do not want to understand that the solution is in compliance with universal human rights for all peoples. Extremist propaganda damages everybody.

Samedi 2 août 2014. Tuerie contre tuerie, massacres contres massacres, haine contre haine, vengeance contre vengeance, les juifs et les palestiniens ne veulent pas comprendre que la solution est dans le respect des droits humains universels de tous les peuples.  La propagande extrémiste nuit à tous.

‏السبت‏، 02‏ آب‏، 2014. قتل ضد قتل، مجازر ضد مجازر، كراهية ضد كراهية، انتقام ضد انتقام، اليهود والفلسطينيين لا يريدون أن يفهموا أن الحل هو احترام حقوق الإنسان العالمية، لجميع الشعوب. الدعاية المتطرفة تضر الجميع.


LSTDO : <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of every human being among all peoples > .





Israel will pay for ceasefire with Jewish blood

With a fanatical religious organization that believes it is divinely mandated to destroy Israel, there is but one choice: To completely destroy its capability to act out its evil mission.

Published:  07.28.14, 19:32

Make no mistake about it: Israel is in the midst of a war for its very survival. Hamas has invested in acquiring more advanced rockets to fire indiscriminately as Israeli civilians and to create a network of tunnels through which they seek to sneak into Israel to kill and capture thousands of innocent Jews. 




Saturday, 02 August, 2014. Attention watch out of the army make clear that false propaganda with Hezbollah is performing against the Syrian Revolution, that Daesh attacked the army, which is innocent from the pursuit of Syrian rebels for freedom and democracy.

Since the time of the Syrian regime is trying to implicate the Lebanese army in hostility against Syrian revolution after using Hezbollah successfully to paralyze the Lebanese state and the organization of the publicity that the Syrian revolution is only terrorists radical Islamists from al-Qaeda and Daesh.

We are afraid the Army Command and Jean KAHWAJI will become the enemy of the free democratic Lebanese people, if they drive army on side of the Hezbollah devil party and the terrorist Bashar.


LSTDO : <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of every human being among all peoples > .





Politicians call for full backing of the Army

 BEIRUT: Lebanese politicians condemned the targeting of Lebanese security forces in northeast Lebanon Saturday, urging the Lebanese to stand behind the military and the Internal Security Forces.

Speaker Nabih Berri, who called Lebanese Army commander Gen. Jean Kahwagi, said the Lebanese must unite behind their security forces, warning that attacks on security institutions affected Lebanon as a whole.




Tuesday, August 05, 2014. Army to defend security, yes. Army to kill democrat Syrian militants, NO. We demand the resignation of the government.

Hezbollah propaganda drives people to errors.

I do not support army which kills Opposition Syrian Democrat Militants.

No, stop misinforming. When the army wants to enforce the law for the safety of all Lebanese, so why for six years as president no significant act has taken place against the terrorists of Hezbollah and its allies? Double standards and Gentlemen generals ?? The defense of Lebanon was to impose the cleaning of all heavy weapons held by militias off-the-law on Lebanese soil. Misinformation does not pass through the minds of most educated people in Lebanon ... We know sort through misinformation.

We demand the resignation of the government.

L’armée pour assurer la sécurité, oui. L’armée qui tue des révolutionnaires syriens démocrates pour la liberté, NON.

La propagande de Hezbollah conduit les gens à des erreurs.

Nous refusons de soutenir l’armée qui tue des opposants syriens démocrates.

Non, arrêtons de désinformer. Quand l'armée veut appliquer la loi pour la sécurité de tous les libanais, alors pourquoi depuis six ans de présidence aucun acte significatif n'a eu lieu contre les terroristes de Hezbollah et ses alliés ? Deux poids deux mesures, Messieurs les généraux ??? La défense du territoire libanais devait imposer le nettoyage de tous les armements lourds détenus par des milices hors-la-loi sur le sol libanais. La désinformation ne passe pas dans l'esprit de la plupart de personnes cultivées au Liban... Nous savons trier parmi les fausses informations.

Nous réclamons la démission du gouvernement.


LSTDO : <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of every human being among all peoples > .





Government unanimously throws weight behind the military

BEIRUT: Prime Minister Tammam Salam asserted Monday that there would be no political settlement with militants from Syria battling the Lebanese Army in Arsal, stressing that the rival political parties represented in the Cabinet vow unanimous support for the military.

“Lebanon is subjected to an aggression against its sovereignty and security perpetrated by takfiri groups, implementing a suspicious, systematic conspiracy aimed at undermining state capacities and institutions,” Salam told reporters at the end of an emergency Cabinet meeting to discuss the deteriorating security situation in Arsal, on the eastern border with Syria.




Sunday, August 24, 2014. Yes, we are with direct presidential election by the citizens in two rounds of votes as a minimum.

To decide major policy choices by referendums or direct elections by the people is a far better solution than the current paralysis of political power by reciprocal blackmail from various clans’ leaders and parliamentarians.

If in the first round, the presidential candidate is chosen by the Christians voters, then in the second round he’s chosen by all the Lebanese, the winner would be among the moderates and should take account of the rights of minorities.

But we also suggest that the speaker of parliament and the prime minister could be elected by the people in the same way, to have a moderate Shiite and a moderate Sunni at these positions.


LSTDO : <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of every human being among all peoples > .





Kanaan: We want to liberate presidential post

Sun 24 Aug 2014 at 15:18

 NNA - Secretary of Change and Reform Bloc, MP Ibrahim Kanaan, told LBC TV on Sunday that his bloc's initiative concerning presidential elections represents a permanent solution and gives power back to the people to choose the most "balanced" and most "popular" candidate.

Principle and conviction, according to the MP, are the basis of his bloc's initiative rather than "momentary political considerations." He asserted that the proposed solution, allowing citizens to directly elect their president, gives a voice to the people who have not been represented well by their political regime.

"The Bloc's suggestion is not a closed one, but rather an initiative for discussion."

"It is high time the presidency got liberated...after being marginalized with Taef Accord."

Kanaan said that many political sides had regional affiliations with Syria, Iran and KSA, a thing which affected domestic politics.

"We are endeavoring to go back to the original, which is the people, since the House has failed to embody the will of the people." On that note, Keenan stated that his bloc was against extending the parliament's mandate.

The MP vehemently denied that his bloc's proposal was meant to ensure the election of MP Michel Aoun.




Wednesday, 27 August 2014.The incredible hypocrisy of Nabih Berri cannot fool the casual observers. He claims to be concerned about the absence of president, while he with his March 8 clan is causing blockages.

He violated the Constitution by denying democratic rule to choose a president by 51% of MPs in the second round of votes immediately after the first round.

In fact, he wants a president chosen almost by himself to serve as a slave.

Nabih Berri has to leave his post, he has done too much harm to the Lebanese. It is a small local dictator, servant officer for aggressive hegemonic visions of Bashar AL-Assad and the Iranian regime.


LSTDO : <I work to delay death and improve the quality of life of every human being among all peoples > .






Berri: Lebanese presidential crisis worsening by day

Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat—Lebanon’s Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri admitted that he was holding talks with Druze leader Walid Jumblatt to break the country’s presidential deadlock on Tuesday, but refused to give details of the initiative. Jumblatt has traditionally played the role of kingmaker in Lebanon’s complex political system, with both the Hezbollah-led March 8 Alliance and the Future Movement-led March 14 Alliance backing rival candidates for the presidency.

In comments to Asharq Al-Awsat, Berri confirmed that “something” is being done to resolve the three-month deadlock in electing a new Lebanese president, but said he would not give further details of his talks with Jumblatt “until the picture became clearer.”

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