Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO)

< I work to delay death and to improve life quality of any human being among all world peoples >.
Reflexions on the political and socio economic Lebanese news.
Lebanese current events.

September 29th, 2013. Lebanese news Commentary from 1st september until 29 september, 2013.


1st September, 2013. Thank you for your help, Senator John MacCain, to carry the struggle to change the Syrian regime in secular democracy, and your military aid to the Syrian revolution. All the peoples of the Middle East need to get rid of this tyrannical regime.
Merci de votre aide pour mener la lutte pour changer le régime syrien en démocratie laïque et l’aide militaire à la révolution syrienne. Tous les peuples du Moyen Orient ont besoin de se débarrasser de ce régime tyrannique.
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August 31, 2013
Washington, D.C. ­– U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) today released the following statement on President Obama’s remarks on Syria:
“We believe President Obama is correct that the Assad regime's use of chemical weapons requires a military response by the United States and our friends and allies. Since the President is now seeking Congressional support for this action, the Congress must act as soon as possible.
“However, we cannot in good conscience support isolated military strikes in Syria that are not part of an overall strategy that can change the momentum on the battlefield, achieve the President's stated goal of Assad's removal from power, and bring an end to this conflict, which is a growing threat to our national security interests. Anything short of this would be an inadequate response to the crimes against humanity that Assad and his forces are committing. And it would send the wrong signal to America's friends and allies, the Syrian opposition, the Assad regime, Iran, and the world – all of whom are watching closely what actions America will take.”

Saturday, September 14, 2013. The international scandal continues. We were fighting for an obligation of international democratic intervention to end genocide and crimes committed by Bashar Al-ASSAD in Syria. Obama and his administration have proved that nothing is important for them outside the protection of Israel, wanting to destroy chemical weapons in Syria, and leaving the tyrant in power. The West has forgotten the rights and responsibilities to stop the fratricidal wars. Selfishness dominates the rotten world. The US-Russia talks showed that the West operates as a clan and is only interested in the protection of Israel. This will strengthen the extremists at the expense of human rights and the democracy.
Samedi 14 septembre 2013. Le scandale international se confirme. Nous luttions pour une obligation d’ingérence démocratique internationale pour mettre fin aux crimes et génocides commis par Bachar AL-ASSAD en Syrie. OBAMA et son administration ont fait la preuve que rien ne les intéressent en dehors de la protection d’Israël en voulant détruire les armes chimiques en Syrie, et en laissant le tyran au pouvoir. L’occident a oublié les droits de l’homme et ses responsabilités pour arrêter les guerres fratricides. L’égoïsme domine le monde pourri. Les pourparlers USA-Russie ont montré que l’Occident fonctionne comme un clan et ne s’intéresse qu’à la protection d’Israël. Ce qui va renforcer les extrémistes au détriment des droits de l’homme et des démocrates.
Russia and the United States announced Saturday that they have reached a groundbreaking deal on a framework to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons, after talks in Switzerland.
Kerry said the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must allow "immediate and unfettered" access to international inspectors. He said there was no place for games or avoidance by al-Assad.
He did say that President Barack Obama reserves the right to defend the United States and U.S. interests. However, he said, "the president also wants to find a diplomatic solution."
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said France welcomes the U.S.-Russian agreement, saying it "constitutes an important step forward."
The Syrian opposition struck a note of skepticism.
Gen. Salim Idriss, head of the rebel Free Syrian Army, told reporters in Istanbul: "We have information that the regime began to move chemical materials and chemical weapons to Lebanon and to Iraq."
"If your case with Assad is only the use of CW, leave him because dying by CW is far better than being bombed by Scuds."
" The international community is giving Assad a license to kill with all kinds of weapons except the use of chemical weapons."
Russia has been strongly opposed to any use of force against Syria.
The U.N. estimates more than 100,000 people have been killed since the civil war began in 2011, in addition to more than 2 million becoming refugees and over 4 million being displaced within Syria.

Sunday, September 29, 2013. Walid AL MOELLEM, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bashar Alassad restarts his cheating by saying that there is no question of resignation of Bashar and refuses to negotiate with the Syrian opposition.
The comings and goings of sterile talks with the West will not solve the Syrian civil war.
Ahmad AL JERBA, head of the opposition coalition, had agreed to go to Geneva to discuss the formation of a transitional government without Bashar AL ASSAD.
The impasse is evident.
From the media:
Walid al Moallem: “Il n’est pas question de discuter de l’avenir du président Assad”, lors d’une conférence de paix
Par Agence | 28/09/2013 | 21:56
Services Le ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères Walid al Moallem a rejeté samedi à l’ONU l’idée qu’une conférence internationale de paix sur la Syrie, prévue en novembre à Genève, puisse décider du sort du président Bachar al-Assad. “Il n’est pas question de discuter de l’avenir du président Assad, c’est dans la Constitution” syrienne, a-t-il déclaré à des journalistes à New York, en marge de l’assemblée générale des Nations unies.
La conférence dite de “Genève 2″ doit réunir autour d’une même table des délégations du pouvoir syrien et de l’opposition pour tenter de former, d’un commun accord, un gouvernement de transition doté des pleins pouvoirs exécutifs. Cela ouvre la possibilité d’un départ du pouvoir du président Assad, réclamé par l’opposition et les Occidentaux.
L’ONU a annoncé vendredi soir son intention de réunir cette conférence à la mi-novembre. Le président Assad compte terminer son mandat et se représenter à la fin de celui-ci en 2014, a confirmé M. Moallem. Il a aussi affirmé que la Syrie s’accommodait de la résolution sur les armes chimiques adoptée vendredi soir par le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU. “Cette résolution ne me pose pas de problème”, a-t-il souligné.
La résolution fait obligation à Damas d’éliminer toutes ses armes chimiques en quelques mois. Elle prévoit la possibilité de “mesures sous chapitre 7″, c’est-à-dire de sanctions, en cas de non-respect par le régime de ses engagements, mais elles ne seront pas automatiques. Selon M. Moallem, la résolution “prévoit d’appliquer le chapitre 7 contre les terroristes”.


Lebanese Strong Transparent Democracy Organization (LSTDO) is not responsible for the information collected in the Lebanese media. They are given to help in the search for truth.


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